In April 2024, FridayParts donated $500 to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). We are always grateful for the support of our customers, and we hope it can help UNICEF provide essential services to children worldwide, including education, healthcare, and livelihood support. We will continue to focus on children’s welfare, bringing warmth and care to more children.

Meanwhile, we closely follow the news about UNICEF, and we understand the importance of vaccinating adolescent girls against HPV. Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths among women annually. Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women globally. According to estimates from 2022, over 90% of cervical cancer deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. This means that girls in these regions need our support and assistance even more to ensure they receive prevention and protection.

HPV vaccines img from UNICEF

Source: UNICEF/UN0771169/Izquierdo

What is HPV?

HPV, short for Human Papillomavirus, is a significant culprit causing cervical cancer. Around 90% of HPV infections clear within two years, making most genital HPV infections transient and asymptomatic. The clearance time of the virus is mainly determined by the HPV type:

Low-risk HPV: 5-6 months

High-risk HPV: 8-24 months

A small proportion of HPV infections lead to clinically visible anogenital warts, squamous intraepithelial lesions, and cancers. However, cervical cancer poses a more severe threat to women in resource-poor areas, as these regions lack early screening and preventive measures.

What can we do?

Local governments can organize educational campaigns for prevention

Inform local girls about HPV transmission routes:

  • Sexual contact (main route)
  • Close contact (such as kissing, hugging, shaking hands, etc.)
  • Indirect contact (refers to contact with the infected person’s clothing, daily necessities, utensils, etc.)
  • Iatrogenic infection (healthcare workers infect themselves due to poor protection during treatment)
  • Mother-to-child transmission (the fetus is infected through close contact during delivery).

Note: Any female can potentially contract HPV through non-sexual contact.

Provide HPV vaccine inoculation and regular screenings

In many low-income countries, HPV vaccine inoculation and regular screening measures are challenging. Their medical systems face issues of resource scarcity, including personnel and medications, leading to insufficient supply of HPV vaccine inoculation and cervical cancer screening services. Moreover, many families cannot afford the cost.

International assistance

International organizations, non-governmental organizations, and developed countries can provide financial aid, such as subsidies or free provision of HPV vaccines and cervical cancer screening services. Additionally, technical support can be provided to improve the infrastructure for HPV vaccine inoculation and cervical cancer screening. Furthermore, cooperation can be promoted to facilitate HPV vaccine inoculation and cervical cancer screening services.

FridayParts donated to UNICEF

FridayParts dontaed to UNICEF in April 2024

FridayParts knows the threat of cervical cancer to women’s health, especially for women in low-income countries. We hope that our donation can also assist in HPV vaccine and screening service projects. Additionally, we actively promote the importance of HPV vaccination on our website. We aim to enhance public awareness of HPV infection and cervical cancer, encouraging more women to get vaccinated and screened to protect their health.


FridayParts is committed to raising awareness of resource-poor areas through donations, advocacy, and education. We believe that with our efforts, we can make a substantial contribution to the health of women worldwide, helping them achieve better health and lives. At the same time, we thank our customers for their trust and support. FridayParts will continue to work hard and engage in this meaningful activity. Welcome to get more info from FridayParts global care program, more dontaion articles from our blogs.

Refer: UNICEF (