The “Trusted store” badge is given to stores that Google determines provide a high quality customer experience. In order for a store to earn this badge, they must offer fast shipping and good return policies on their websites, have high quality websites, and have good user ratings, among other factors.


FridayParts has grown for more than 6 years and we are delighted to have gained the support of many customers around the world. During these six years of growth, our products have also become more comprehensive, and now we offer 40,000+ Parts and 20,000+ Parts with free shipping in the U.S. Additionally, we have been paying more attention to the customer’s purchasing experience, for which we have made many efforts in both pre-sales and after-sales support. As a result, we have received a great deal of positive feedback:

In the future, we will continue to strive to provide a one-stop shopping experience for all and increase the availability of quality and affordable products!!

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